Popular song it’s the popular song!
You can’t go wrong with the popular song!
Popular song it’s the popular song!
The girls all cry for the popular song.
It may be a lie and it may be all wrong but
You can’t go wrong with the popular song!
No you can’t go wrong with the popular song!
You came to the concert to see your favorite band
And you paid for ticket like any loyal fan.
You stand in the audience with your cell phone light on
As you wait for them to play your favorite popular song.
Original material is all fine and good
But only popular songs sound like you knew they would.
They have a new album but you couldn’t care less
Cuz it’s the popular song that to you sounds the best!
Kah plock Kha PlocK, Ge breece Ge Breece
Mmmm Bagus Gimmee Jiggy-Jig!
Kah plock Kha PlocK, Ge breece Ge Breece
Mmmm Bagus Gimmee Jiggy-Jig!
You’re all proud and happy and you know you’re not dumb
Cuz they played every song just like the album.
You tell to all your friends how the concert was cool
And how the popular song is still the song that RULES!